美国Lansmont PDT 80 跌落试验机,模拟包装跌落机,包裹跌落测试台,落下试验机,单翼双翼模拟跌落测试设备,GB 4857.5,ISO 2248,ASTM D5276标准(进口.兰斯蒙特)
产品或包装在运输过程中会经历很多的冲击或跌落事件,包装是否能有效的保护好产品,能缓冲多少冲击能量?使用Lansmont跌落测试系统,可用于预装运测试,用于检验包装设计,优化防护包装解决方案。PDT-80型 精密跌落试验机是美国蓝氏Lansmont公司****的高性价比跌落试验系统。其独特设计完美结合了精密导向系统与高速气动装置,以满足高精度跌落试验的要求。系统采用精密步进电机,用于提升和定位被测包装,用户可方便的装载试件并将其定位到目标高度。PDT-80配备了手持控制器,可方便的设置跌落高度、提升和定位托架和包装,并提供了“高度自动复位”功能,以便用户在装载试件后自动将托架返回至设定高度。内置LCD显示器用于显示当前高度和已设置高度。用户还可设置采用标配的脚踏开关进行跌落试验。
产品特点 Features Highlights:
1. High-velocity pneumatic cylinder, precision cam design and unique brake system allow extremely accurate, flat drop testing that exceeds industry standards, such as ASTM D5276.
高速气动气缸,精密凸轮设计和独特的制动系统,产生非常精确的平面跌落测试,指标超过行业标准,如ASTM D5276。
2. Handheld control, allowing for positioning of the drop assembly, triggering of the drop sequence, and resetting of the drop platen.
3. Electric hoist for positioning drop assembly and lifting heavy packages.
4. Footswitch, providing an alternative method of operation for triggering and resetting of the platen.
5. Precision cam and bearing design for producing flat drops.
6. Customer service throughout the world.
性能指标 Specifications :
1.Maximum Package Weight **包装质量:
标准托盘 177 lbs. (80.0 kg) ,扩展托盘150 lbs. (68.0 kg)
2.Maximum Package Size **包装尺寸:
标准托盘 24.0 in. (61.0 cm) 前后,扩展托盘36.0 in. (91.5 cm) 前后
3.Drop Height Range 跌落高度范围:
标准托盘 12.0 - 72.0 in. (30.5 - 183 cm), 1.00 in. (2.54 cm) 增量
开槽底板 1.0 - 72.0 in. (2.5 - 183 cm), 1.00 in. (2.54 cm) 增量
扩展托盘 18.0 - 72.0 in. (45.7 - 183 cm), 1.00 in. (2.54 cm)增量
产品细节 Details:
Θ Handheld Controller 手持控制器:
The rugged handheld controller provides all necessary functionality for using Lansmont’s Precision Drop Test Systems. The user can select the desired drop height via the controller and the machine will automatically move the drop platen to this height setting. No tape measure or manual adjustment is needed. All important information about the drop tester or the current settings is easily read on the LED screen on the front of the controller pendant.
Θ Precision Cam Design 精密凸轮:
Lansmont’s precision cam and bearings design is a key machine feature for producing a flat drop event. When the drop tester is armed and fired, the drop leaf first moves straight down faster than the package and then swings out of the way in time to clear the path for the package’s free fall.
Lansmont的精密凸轮和轴承设计是产品平面跌落的重要保障。当跌落测试启动时, 活动翻板快速下降并及时向后翻转,保证产品按自由落体无障碍下跌。
Θ Electric Hoist 精密提升电机:
If you are changing drop heights frequently or testing heavier packages, it pays to have a lifting mechanism to keep you from having to do all of this work manually. The PDT 80 features an electric hoist for raising and lowering the drop leaf assembly and test package.
对于频繁调整跌落高度或者测量包装比较重的场合,使用自动提升电机将大大提高测试效率,减轻人员负担, PDT80 提示电机能轻松提升或放下测试设备。
产品选项 Options:
Θ Edge and Corner Holding Fixture 边角固定器:
The optional flexible structure mounts to the drop tester and holds packages in position prior to the drop event when performing edge or corner drops.
Θ Extended Platen 扩展托架:
If your package dimensions are too big for the standard platen, we offer an optional extended platen to accommodate larger package sizes. The extended platen holds packages with a front-to-back dimension of up to 36 inches.
Θ Slotted and Oversized Baseplates开槽大基座:
For customers that need to test to drop heights below 12 inches, we have a slotted baseplate option and foundation kit that allows for drops as low as 1 inch.
Larger packages may necessitate a larger impact surface. We offer an oversized baseplate which widens the impact area from the standard 36 inches to 60 inches.
Θ Test Partner Data Acquisition采集分析:
Lansmont Test Partner sets the standard for data acquisition systems used for laboratory impact testing. Test Partner is a powerful combination of software and hardware specifically tailored to capture and analyze mechanical shock, drop, and impact events.
Lansmont TP3/TP4 是一种强大的软件和硬件组合,专门为捕捉和分析冲击、跌落和其它瞬态冲击事件而量身定制。它可以同时采集多达512个传感器的数据,分析包括加速度、应变、温度、压力等量纲的信号。
产品应用 Applications:
Controlled Orientation 跌落方向控制:
Test procedures and industry standards specify the requirement for controlled orientation drops, resulting in test sample impacts on predetermined faces, corners and edges. Lansmont Precision Drop Testers are built in accordance with ASTM D5276 requirements.
按照行业标准测试程序,跌落测试样本对预定冲击面执行面、角和边的冲击测试。Lansmont精密跌落测试仪满足ASTM D5276等国际和国内标准,执行标准规定面、角、边、测试。
Hazard Drops 障碍跌落
In reality, not all items are dropped on flat, laboratory-style floors. In fact, some small parcel distribution tests require drops to occur on a predetermined hazard.
Product Drops产品跌落
Lansmont customers use drop testers to perform bare product drop testing to simulate in-use events that may occur once out of their protective packaging and in the hands of the consumer.
Extended Height 扩展高度
Dangerous goods packages undergo severe drop tests during certification testing. Other high performance products and packages also need to survive high energy impacts. Lansmont offers extended height drop testers to satisfy these testing applications. Custom drop height options are available to extend your machine drop height range.