美国Lansmont SAVER 9XGPS 运输环境记录仪,内置GPS模块,运输车载振动、冲击、跌落、气候记录分析仪,运输路径路线优化,物流跟踪,运输监控,可扩展输入通道(进口.兰斯蒙特)
Lansmont SAVER 9XGPS 冲击及振动环境记录仪,可用于跟踪和记录真实的运输环境(跌落、冲击、振动、温湿度以及大气压力等),并通过附带的软件对这些数据进行各种复杂的分析。支持最多9个动态通道(内置三轴向加速度传感器和外接6个通道),同时兼顾温湿度以及大气压力(高度)测量。SAVER 9XGPS可持续记录长达30天的数据,内嵌GPS可以记录本地的信息。这些信息可以导入到Google Earth软件中,提供一个强大的空间事件分布,包括事件的振幅、大小等信息。
Field to Lab:
产品特性 Fatures:
Field-to-Lab® 现场到实验室:
Use SaverXwareTM software to analyze data captured with SAVER instruments, and seamlessly create random vibration test profiles that can be easily imported into Lansmont TouchTest Vibration Controllers for immediate use. Only Lansmont offers this cross-platform integration.
30 Day battery Life 30天电池供电:
SAVER 9X30 is powered by two 9V batteries located on the side of the unit. The unit will run for 30 days on lithium batteries (15 days on alkaline batteries). Step- by- step instructions are provided in SaverXwareTM for replacing the batteries.
Nine Dynamic Measurement Channels 9个动态测量通道:
The 9X30 incorporates a dedicated internal tri-axial with 6 external accelerometer inputs, along with temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure sensors. Sampling rates up to 10KHz per channel provide unparalleled portable measurement capability. The 9X30 includes built in signal conditioning for all of the dynamic channels along with selectable recording ranges and filters. 内置3轴加速度、温度、湿度、气压传感器,6个扩展输入,采样频率高达10KHz
产品选项 Options:
External Battery Pack 外接电池:
Lansmont offers External Battery Pack options that can extend the continuous operation from one to multiple months of run time.
9X-GPS Configuration 内置GPS版本:
Optionally configured as the SAVER™ 9X-GPS, the internal GPS hardware adds valuable location and speed detail to your measurement data. This detail is directly part of the SaverXwareTM data stream, requiring an intermediate import and synchronization.
9X30可以使用外置GPS模块,或者直接使用内置GPS版本 SAVER 9XGPS,配合GPS信号能了解测量运输车辆位置,车辆速度等信息.
Data Analysis Center 数据分析服务:
Trust Lansmont data specialists to interpret your data and provide you with even greater confidence. Lansmont data specialists are experts at acquiring, analyzing and summarizing data; if you need help defining parameters or protocols, we can help.
Mounting Kits 安装组件:
Mounting kits can make it easier to fix SAVER 3X90 to vehicles or structures. Kits include mounting plates and attachment hardware. If you are attaching to a ferrous surface, magnetic mounting kits are available.
Full waveform data recorder
User-programmable trigger threshold
User-defined pre-trigger recording
90-day continuous event recorder
LED shock alarm indicator
Push button, delayed start or instantaneous activation
USB connectivity for communication and instrument power
Utilizes SaverXware Software for setup, communication and
data analysis
Small size and footprint
产品指标 Specification:
Envelope Size 尺寸: 5.0 x 4.9 x 1.7 in. (127 x 124 x 43 mm)
Weight 重量: 35 oz. (1 kg)
Acceleration Ranges 加速度量程: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200g (full scale)
Accelerometer Type 传感器类型: Triaxial piezoelectric (internal), six external channels (optional) 三轴压电,6通道扩展
Sampling Rates 采样频率: 50, 100, 200, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, and 10,000 samples per second
A/D Conversion AD位数: 16-bit
Anti-Alias Filter 抗混滤波: 4-pole, low-pass Butterworth filter, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250 and 500 Hz. (cut-off frequency)
3-dB Frequency Response 频率响应: 0.4 Hz. to filter setting
Temperature Measurement Range 温度测量范围:
-40° to 60°C (-40° to 140°F)
Humidity Measurement Range 湿度测量范围:
5% to 95% RH, non-condensing
Atmospheric Pressure Measurement Range 气压测量范围:
10 to 1100 mbar